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a digital wanderer's journal

Is it easy to scale up the fediverse?

The recent ban of X in Brazil caused a huge migration of users to Bluesky. Around 2 million people joined the "blue butterfly" in a few days without any technical server problems. The same thing didn't happen with Mastodon a few months ago. In that case, migrations from X caused a lot of problems on the fediverse, with several large and small instances experiencing problems. Is this a problem with ActivityPub (the protocol behind the fediverse) or a problem with money? I'm betting on the latter. Most instances are run by tech enthusiasts who ask for donations to pay their...

How I find interesting blogs

Today an interesting question from Barry Hess appeared on my timeline. He submitted his blog to several site/blog directories, but analyzing the traffic he found only a few hits coming from these sources. My idea is that a very small amount of people are really looking for content in such directories, or at least this is not the way I find bloggers I like. Personally, I discover new blogs in a very simple way: 1) Bloggers writing about other bloggers or responding to other bloggers; 2) Social communities like Mastdodon or Micro.blog; 3) Explore / discovery sections like in Bear,...

Re: Social Hangover

On his blog Robert Birming is  ruminating about the need of being reachable 24/7. “There's a lot of talk about the importance of online privacy, but when it comes to wanting some privacy in the physical world, it's a different story. We're expected to be "online" by default, 24/7. If we go "offline," it's treated as a malfunction — a 404 page.” I totally agree with him. If you're not available all the time, you don't seem to be a good partner, worker, father and so on... I think we all need to unplug from time to time to recharge.

Being yourself

“ I tried and failed a few times at starting a “blog” / website. Though I could probably point to a few reasons why those projects never took off, I think the root cause was ultimately me writing for someone else, rather than just for myself.  - Mike Sass via shellsharks.com” I totally agree with Mike Sass' thoughts on blogging. I've had several blogs in the past and always ended up abandoning them for lack of motivation. I was blogging for other people, not for myself. Now I post more personal stuff than in the past (quotes, links, services I like,...

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